
Healthiest Fast Food Snacks

Some fast food restaurants are worse than others when it comes to serving high-fat, high-calorie items. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, Burger King has some of the worst fast-food items in the market, including the Burger King Old Fashioned Ice Cream Shake, which you might consider for a quick snack. The large shake contains 1,200 calories and 42g of saturated fat. When it comes to choosing good fast food snacks, don't rely on your instinct. Sometimes the most innocent-looking foods pack the most calories.

Fast Food Restaurants Snacks

Yogurt parfaits are usually a better choice than milkshakes. For example, McDonald's Fruit 'n Yogurt Parfait contains 160 calories and 2g of saturated fat. Its Strawberry McCafe Shake, however, has 570 calories and 17g of fat. With the parfait, you're also getting probiotics, healthy bacteria to help you keep your digestive system working properly. Another way to make a fast food snack healthy is to buy it without extras. For example, order your pancakes plain and then add a side of fruits or yogurt. This is much lower in fat, calories and sodium than the average pancakes with sausage patties or bacon and cheese. Or, snack on a plain English muffin instead of a sweet treat like cookies and pies.

Vending Machine Snacks

When heading for the vending machine, skip anything that's fried or covered in chocolate or sugar. Instead, look for anything that is baked or might contain whole grains, such as baked chips, mini pretzels, reduced-fat popcorn and granola bars. Nuts and seeds are also a good choice. A small bag of sunflower seeds is full of fiber and monounsaturated fats, which are good for your heart. Roasted peanuts contain healthy fats and a good amount of protein.

At Home

Whether you're snacking at home or on the go, many fast foods are healthier than you might first think. For example, if you're going to eat cookies, "Fitness" magazine recommends fig cookies, because they're filled with fruit and full of fiber. Instead of plain chocolate, choose chocolate-covered peanuts, which will provide you with healthy fats, protein and fiber. At the movie theater, choose plain popcorn for a healthy dose of carbohydrates without the added fat of butter.


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